Please Don’t Call It Fear

Please can we stop calling it 'FEAR' and call it what it is 'FROZEN LOVE'. Calling it 'FEAR' makes us frightened of it. Calling it 'FROZEN LOVE', which is WHAT IT REALLY IS, ensures:

1. We have the correct attitude towards it, seeing it as an opportunity for transformation rather than something we have to get rid of in order to be happy and move forward.

2. It stops creating this boogey monster that seems to be the opposite and separate from and in the way of the motive force of our true nature, which is Love. Instead, it helps us see it as part of the natural flow.

3. It helps us understand that it is an inevitable part of life and has a protective function at its core. (Oh, for the day when schools talk about how to handle 'Frozen Love' moments).

4. It helps us understand that as long as we can remember we are safe and can love and feel this, then this frozen version of us will melt naturally.

5. It helps us approach it with emotional intelligence and see it as a conditioned response, welcoming, releasing, and transforming rather than resisting control. It allows us to stop becoming overwhelmed by it and allow nature to release it (as it does) as a matter of course.




Welcoming With Indifference, Not Resisting With Prejudice.


Is Your Mind A Master Mind?