Stop Putting Responsibility For Happiness On Your Mind and Body and Punishing Them

The mind and body are beautiful instruments through which we enjoy our perspective on the Universe.

If we identify with them as if they were us, we turn their natural survival mechanisms, which protect them from danger and move them to nourishment, against themselves.

Believing in the separate self is a kind of autoimmune disease in this regard.

What would otherwise remain a healthy mechanism to move the body is resisted psychologically as if there were something wrong.

Thinking we are the body, thereby confusing ourselves for bodily sensations, we depend on their equanimity for our sense of wholeness. Any disturbance is a cause for psychological resistance, aka, anxiety, and the arising of personal desire that seeks security in transient experience.

The mind and body’s natural diversity that prefers some situations to others, or tires in some situations, is turned into a pathology.

The capacity to perceive contrasting patterns, necessary for survival, is turned into paralysing self-punishing criticism and comparison.

The capacity to feel love is turned into a social media frenzy of competition that leaves the mind and body exhausted and even depressed.

The capacity to think rationally is turned into endless self-defeating rumination.

The capacity to imagine and rehearse situations is turned into catastrophising about an imaginary past and future.

The capacity to eat and drink is turned into a self-soothing tool to try and quell emotional discomfort.

On the other hand, by not identifying with the mind and body but instead being the aware reality in which the mind and body appear,

We do not depend on the state of the mind and body for our happiness and wholeness.

We relieve the mind and body from having to make us happy and whole, and the intense physiological harm this does stops.

We love the mind and body as the vehicle through which we can perceive beauty and share love and understanding in this human realm.

We do not judge it for anything, including its foibles, neurological traits, particular rhythms, superficial appearance, gender, skillfulness, vocal accent, social status, innate levels of intelligence, mistakes, illnesses, or demise.

On the contrary, being clear about the true motivation, which is to be and shine universal love from this localised position in the Universe for no other reason than its own sake, we love the mind and body and behave like an infinitely patient, loving parent towards them, as if the mind and body were our children.

We love and cherish the mind and body as they are and work with them lovingly and compassionately.

We need to drop the term “self-compassion” for this just reinforces the notion of a separate self identified with the mind and body that has to learn compassion.

We need to drop the term “self-development” for this just reinforces the notion of a separate self identified with the mind and body that needs improving.

We need to recognise we are the aware reality that is already whole as we experience it as such and then talk about how to cherish the mind and body of vehicles for our innate wholeness.

In this respect, all minds and bodies are portals of universal love not inadequate people.

This has a name – Non-Duality or Oneness!

That’s what we need to talk about!




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