The Body-Mind: A Sacred Vehicle to Our True Nature
The provisional capacity of the body-mind is to ensure physical survival. The essential capacity of the body-mind is to return us to the truth of our own being. These capacities consist of various intelligences that, combined, form the body-mind. When believing to be separate, we cannot see this essential capacity, but once awakened to our true nature, we can recognise it.
When awakened to our true nature, there is only true nature, and all that appears is an appearance of this, acting like a mirror to reflect the qualities of our true nature. Rationality becomes a pointer or reference back to our true nature. Imagination becomes a vision of the manifestation of our true nature. Emotions become the desire to return to our true nature. Memory becomes a resource of learnings that return us to our true nature. The mirroring rapport of body-minds reminds us of the interconnected inseparability of all life. Pattern recognition becomes a way we can perceive the beautiful oneness of all appearances. Dreaming becomes a way to liberate ourselves from the narrow, individualised, attention-focused waking state whilst in human form.
Thus, when awakened to our true nature, the very essence of our human body-mind and the humanity that is its essential nature becomes a vehicle back to our true nature, and its essential purpose is revealed. The human body-mind becomes a temporary window through which we can view our true nature in forms that otherwise would not be visible without its perceptive capacities. We can be gentle, compassionate, and deeply respectful of these capacities for the sacred vehicle they are. We can be appreciative of and patient with their imperfections rather than condemning them, learning to work with them rather than against them. We can love our body-mind as we love our children unconditionally and not give it the responsibility of making us happy and whole, nor make any other human body-mind responsible for making us happy and whole. We can enjoy the experience of body-minds connecting and forming relationships whilst not making these relationships responsible for our happiness.
We can be the indestructible, safe wholeness our human body-mind needs to provide it with a safe context in which it can fully relax and use its capacities to create natural balance. When our human body-mind is exhausted from its labours, we can allow it to go without the fear that we will go so that it may die in peace and we can be in gratitude for what it has given us.