The Source

Objective matter is an abstract concept. Subjective experience is reality. Sadly, we live in a dark age where most see it the other way round. The scientific method can be applied to subjective experience. This is what needs to happen. The former is a beneficial and powerful way of confirming the latter. The left and right hemispheres work together. However, the power of the scientific method has given its proponents an arrogance way beyond their station. They have asserted their undying belief in objective matter as being the reality of the universe, and everything else is viewed as coming from that. This is putting the cart before the horse. This fundamental error is at the core of what is going wrong with human society and is a result of the ego operating within science. The modern industrial society has evolved based on the scientific method and has as its god the belief in objective matter as the source. It eschews any attempt to claim subjective experience's supremacy as the source of superstition and mysticism. We need to bridge this gap to acknowledge the power of reason (the scientific method) applied to the overall context of subjective experience. This is, of course, what all true mystics have tried to do. They are the true scientists of our age. Those materialists who still hold the stone age belief that the brain is the source of experience are steadily, relentlessly reducing in numbers. Many are now fully recognising and putting new arguments forward to show that experience is primary and the objective form is an expression of subjective expression. The two are inextricably linked; however, objective matter is not primary.


The Sun In Each Of Us


The Pathless Path