The Three Greatest Teachers Of Non-Duality

Why do the mind and body feel peace and calm in the presence of beautiful landscapes, paintings and architecture, a great symphony, the moon, or a beautiful animal? Why do the mind and body feel peace and calm in the presence of the love of a devoted pet, friend, partner or a cohesive community? Why do the mind and body feel peace and calm in the presence of wise, courageous, compassionate, rational intelligence, a book about understanding life, and a light-filled imaginative vision? The three great qualities that are at the heart of what we are are beauty (the perception of the oneness we are), love (the sensation of the oneness we are) and truth (the understanding of the oneness we are), and the three great needs of the human mind and body that determine safety are reflections of these qualities. The need to preserve the beautiful health of the physical body, the need for respectful, loving relationships with other living beings, and the need to orient the mind and body into a broader field of true understanding. What is above is below, so naturally, the three great non-duality teachers, for this reason, are love, truth and beauty and wherever our mind and body feel peace and calm, we will find these great teachers.



Freedom Not To Be Defined By Anything, Not The Freedom To Do Anything.


Non Duality In A Nutshell